
Welcome to the Lung Ultrasound Course

The videos are put in groups according to the topics. Simply scroll down to start watcing the lectures or click the topic you wish to start with from the right panel.

I recommend starting from the beginning.

Image Acquisition

Click on the video to the left to learn more about how to learn about the principles of image acquisition and get started with learning lung ultrasonography!

Normal Lung

Click on the video to the right to learn more about the basics of the appearance of the lung under ultrasound!

Pulmonary Edema

Click on the video to the left to learn more about how to recognize acute alveolar- interstitial syndrome or pulmonary edema!


Pleural Effusion

Click on the video to the right to learn more about how to identify pleural effusions using ultrasound!


Click on the video to the left to learn more about how to confirm your endotracheal tube position in seconds using only ultrasound!